Second Grade
We are so excited to be your child’s 2nd grade teachers! It’s going to be a year full of fun, learning, and lots of new experiences. As 2nd grade teachers, it is our goal to develop of love of learning and a love of school, while ensuring that each child reaches their full potential. Our main goals are to enhance reading and writing skills using Benchmark Advance along with excelling in math concepts in Everyday Math 4. Students will have the opportunity for whole group and small group instruction along with collaboration time with peers. We will be using the Zones of Regulation to teach children about their emotions and how to regulate them as they develop skills to work cooperatively with their classmates. We strive to teach our students to be kind, caring, and respectful to each other along with owning responsibility at school. We encourage and practice being supportive to each other academically and socially. Most of all, we want our students to be excited about coming to school and working together to be active learners.
Meet Our Teachers
MyAccount Dashboard
Teacher's digital classrooms are available in Schoology or SeeSaw. To access, visit your child's MyAccount Dashboard.