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Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Students holding up the %22I love you%22 sign in ASL

The Mountain View center-based D/HH program is a unique program that serves students preschool through fifth grade.  The D/HH program provides a full continuum of service delivery.  Services range from being fully mainstreamed to self-contained classes.  Our program is based on the total communication philosophy, not method, which embraces all communication choices and utilizes the approaches that are most effective for each individual student.  The program includes students with mild to profound hearing losses.  The students have a variety of primary communication modalities ranging from aural/oral to English-based to ASL.  Each child's communication mode is respected and encouraged.  In general, the sign system utilized for instruction and interpreting is CASE/PSE (Conceptually Accurate Signed English/Pidgin Signed English).  There is also strong emphasis on the development of each child's auditory, speech, and speechreading skills.  Deaf role models, a Deaf studies program, organized social events with multi-age D/HH students, and sign classes for families, are all part of the program.  Five Adams County school districts have an option to refer students to Mountain View, which is considered an "inter-district" or "center" school for the D/HH population.  District 12 also offers center programs at the Middle and High School levels.